Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flirt Using Reading Body Language

You see someone from across the room and think: Wow. I want to meet them. But how can you be sure that your body language conveys your true intentions - to flirt?
These body language cues are excellent ways to show the object of your interest that you'd like to get to know them better. And if someone uses these cues on you? Flirt right back -- because flirting is harmless, and practice makes perfect.
Flirt Using Your Eyes
Holding eye contact with someone you find appealing for approximately five seconds is well-used flirt tactic, mostly because it is highly effective, although its ease and simplicity of use doesn't hurt. - need to lock eyes three times before the flirt recipient catches on.

Preening To Flirt
There are many, many ways one groom themselves in public in a flattering yet flirty way, depending on your gender. Ladies can try some hair stroking, posture enhancing, neck exposing, hip tilting (if standing), clothes straightening or lip licking - all with the intention of calling attention to her attractiveness. Men can also straighten their clothing, lick their lips or fix their hair, but they should also include things like hooking their fingers into their pants (if standing), suck in their stomach, or take deep breaths to increase the size of their chest. For both men and women, try to use preening body language that shows off your best features while enhancing what makes you, you.

Flirt With a Smile
There are few things better than receiving a genuine, radiant smile from a stranger, yet many people don't respond to them as a flirt tactic. Therefore, use your smile in conjunction with the other body language ideas listed in this article to ensure whomever you've got your eye on realizes a flirt is your intention.

Flirt By Pointing
No, not by using your finger silly. Instead, try to 'point' at the person you want to flirt with by moving your body towards them. Take your feet and make sure they are facing your flirt target, and use your shoulders to lean into them - even if you aren't speaking with them. Other ideas include facing your shoulders towards them or 'closing off' a space just for the two of you (such as crossing your legs towards each other).

Using Touch To Flirt
Look for opportunities where you can touch the person you want to flirt with, either 'accidentally' or otherwise. Shaking hands is an excellent flirt tactic, because not only does it place your hands together (which conveys a "higher level of intimacy" according to Alan and Barbara Pease), but it is easy way to combine flirting with an introduction. You could also try carefully and casually placing your hands on the person's arms to very gently 'move' them so you can pass by on your way to the bathroom, or lightly tap their arm while sharing a laugh. And if you aren't quite comfortable touching the person you want to flirt with quite yet, you can try mimicking their movements for a short period of time (i.e. a couple of seconds), instead.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meet My Friends

Friends... they play a very important role in my life-next to my family.

I just want to share this funny thing that happened to me here in my blog, somebody actually posted in my cbox saying that: "ey ms. chona, i wanna see your friend" I really don't know who she or he was and the reason why. But of course I am person that is easy to ask favor with...

Unfortunately, I deleted that message because there was something after that favor... sorry mate, who ever you were. And to answer your 2nd question, yes I am a Lesbian and am not interested to have a relationship with men. But to have straight people as my pals... Of course, why not.

So here goes.... me and my friends who always cuddles with alcoholism....
LOVE YOU ALL...... friends and readers!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Etiquette for Lesbians Flirting over Text Messaging

Text messaging is a great way to get in contact with someone you have just met, want to know better, are interested in dating or for flirting. So, you've met someone and you've got her cell phone number and you want to send her a text, how should you go about it? Here are some tips and Etiquette for text messaging.
Ask First.
When you get her number, ask if it's okay to text. Some people don't have plans that include lots of text messages. You don't want to run her cell phone bill up. Also, some people don't like to text message.
Keep it short.
Most cell phone plans allow for up to 160 characters. If you've got something longer to say, either call her or send an email.
Start simple.
Send a message and see how she responds. Start simple and innocent. Just sending a message will let her know you're somewhat interested. No need to get too flirty too fast. Use her response to gauge what you do next.
Use Discretion.
Don't get too sexual over text message if you know she's at work, at her parents or some other place where hearing such a comment would be inappropriate.
Don't Drink and Text.
One sure way to say something you regret later is to send an impulsive text when you're tipsy. Refrain from texting if you're drinking.
Keep an Eye on the Clock.
Just because you're a night owl, doesn't mean she is. Don't send a text message at an hour when you wouldn't call her. If her phone is on, it will probably wake her up.
Keep it fun and Flirty.
Don't say anything over text that you wouldn't tell her in person. But do have fun, be playful and try to elicit a laugh.
Don't Diss Your Friends.
You may be really into this girl, but don't have a long conversation with her while you're visiting with your friends or family. Let her know you're happy to hear from her, but that you're busy and will get back to her later.
Nothing Serious.
Don't break up with her over text message, have a fight over text or discuss any serious issue. That should be done face-to-face.
Make Dates.
Text messaging can be fun, but it can't replace real live encounters. Use texting to make a date to actually see each other in person.
Give her time to reply.
You may have the fastest fingers in the West, but some people aren't that adept at text messaging. She may be waiting to respond to you after she gets off work, when she has time to think about what she wants to say or after she checks in with her best friend to help her remember which person she gave her number to that night you are.
Don't Over Do it.
Don't send her thousands of texts if she doesn't respond. That's like leaving someone ten voice mails. It sounds stalkerish or desperate, neither of which you want to be if you're trying to impress someone.
Save the Special for Face-to-Face.
Don't tell her you love her for the first time over a text. Don't ask her to marry you or move in over a text. Anything serious should be done in person.


Before you come out to your parents, there are a few things you should think about. The first is, imagine the worst-case scenario. You may think your parents will be fine with this information, but what if they aren’t? The truth is, most parents do not react badly, but you might want to think about these things, just in case.
If you live with your parents and they decide to kick you out, do you have a place to go? Have a back-up plan. Line up a friend to stay with, in case you need it.
Are you financially dependent on your family? Are you relying on them to pay for your college? No one wants to believe that her parents will cut off their college funding for coming out as lesbian, but it has happened. If you think your parents might be the type, you might want to consider waiting until you are no longer financially dependent upon them.
Next ask yourself why you want to let your parents know? Is it because you want to let them know about an important part of yourself? Good. But if your answer is, “I think it’s time they deal with their homophobic feelings,” you might want to really consider what that means and what it might do to your relationship. Although it may seem tempting, do not come out during an argument or when you feel angry. Those feelings will outweigh the message you are trying to deliver and may make it harder for your parents to accept the news.
Consider telling another family member before you come out to your parents. An aunt, cousin or sibling can be an ally for you if your parents freak out.

Pick a Good Time
Try to schedule a chunk of uninterrupted time with your parent(s). It is usually better not to do this around some big family function, like Thanksgiving or the Winter Holidays. There is usually a lot of stress around these times of year already. However, if this is the only practical time, try to do it on a day that is less hectic.
I would recommend coming out in person, rather than over the phone or in a letter or email. There’s no replacing the face-to-face contact.
If you’re seeing someone, don’t bring her along. Although you may want her support, it will probably be easier for your parents if it’s just you. There’ll be plenty of time for introductions later. Or if your parents have already met your sweetheart and she’s dazzled them, you can let them know that she is your special one.

How do I know if I'm a Lesbian?

How do I know if I’m a lesbian or not? Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. This can be a physical attraction, emotional attraction or sexual attraction. If you’re a woman attracted to women, you might be a lesbian. Or you might be bisexual or you might simply be a straight women who is attracted to a friend. It may take you some time to determine which one you are.
Some women claim to have known from a very early age that they were lesbian, or at least knew that there was something “different” about themselves. Others don’t come out until their forties, fifties and even later, after having spent years in a heterosexual marriage. Whatever your situation, what is most important is that you’re taking the time now to try and figure it out and get to know yourself better.

"I think I’m a lesbian, but I’ve never had sex with a girl."
That’s okay. Most straight people know that they are attracted to the opposite sex before they ever actually have sex. There’s no need to rush to have sex to “find out” if you’re a lesbian or not. Do what feels natural to you.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I grew up abroad which made me as open minded as I can be, but though, it was not really easy for me to come out from my closet and say " mom-dad... I think I am a lesbian". (my life story posted in the older post)

So I deeply feel about people who are hiding right now. I know society holds your "Being you" part of it. I know and I am aware that here in CEBU it is not that openly accepted, "the g to g" relationship. But what I say about it????? I don't give a damn!!! See, what is the worst thing a parent can do once they know their daughter is a Lesbian? - get mad, scream, cry, disappointed, unhappy...... BUT they can NEVER hate you. And those (PARENTS) are the people you should be more concern of about being a lesbian. They will still love and not hate you, eventually they will accept it - Believe me. Friends??? friends can always blah-blah in that instant, but will forget what they blah-blah about you and still be your friend - some might be in a distance for a while, but try to throw a huge party, I guarantee you they will be there!!!!

So, coming out is not as easy as we can all just say it - I know. Try to slowly act on. Try to be yourself. Don't imitate others-like Shane from LWord... by the way I love that series... But what I mean is that, Be yourself. Wear what ever that can hold your body together. Remember, you will never know how it is until you try-right? How would you know that an ice cream is sweet if you'll never taste it? So how will you know if that is really YOU that you're feeling unless if you grab some woman and taste.... "i kissed a girl and i like it" familiar? yup.

But of course, please do not do this shit if you are just fuckin' wasted or curious and start blaming yourself of what you just did that you cant even remember - for straight people who are curious, please remember... Lesbians do have feelings too. We are as human as anyone can be.

Now, I shall take a bow and exit stage right. All I can say is that: "lets throw a WOMAN'S party only" hahahaha. that sounded so good! Take care and keep reading!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As Requested...

Ok, there are a few people who knows me as their cyber friend in this blog. They ask me where I am , what I am, my love life and so on... to those who wish to know my Coming Out story and how I became one, you can go to my older post (just click older post) there you will have an idea of my story and who I am. But for a bonus.... here's some quick intro :) But thank you all for those who visited my blog. Let's support 3rd community, they are as human as others.

Personal Data:

Name:Chona Lou T. Gamboa
BDay: September 25, 1980
Zodiac: Libra
Current add: 587 Gen. Luna St. Poblacion, Talisay Cebu
Grew up in: Bahrain and Canada
Languages spoken: Arabic, French, English, Tagalog and Cebuano
Present job: Communications Trainer
Work exp: ESL Manager, Logistics, Med Sec., CSR HR and FO
Course: AB Fine Art Major in Advertising
Schools: Gulf Academy, St. Christopher, Sacred Heart and CIC in Cebu
Marital status: Annulled, right after giving birth to my son as a gift for my parents
Family: Mom, Dad and brother in Canada
Relationships: 2 men. 1 was my ex husband, 1 was a fling in HS and 12 women
Love life: In a relationship. Currently for 4 years, but it's shaky (2010)
Friends: 90% from 3rd community
Music: Orchestral rock, rock, jazz and alternative
Colors: Black, violet and blue
Attracted to: Butch, soft-butch, gays and sometimes femmes.
Sports played: Tennis and billiards
Hobbies: DVD marathon, getting a tattoo and chillin with friends
Drinks: Jack Daniels, RH and Gatorade
Past time: Blogging
Proud of: 1 son, tattoos, piercing, car and friends
About me: Very friendly but very frank. Most of the time my being honest kills people offs feelings. I am a murderer of feelings. But always there to help if needed. NEVER LOOKS DOWN ON ANYBODY.