Alright, we have to give some benefit of the doubts to those who are a bit worried about their identity... I was once too you know. ( Check my older blogs; click on old posts " im totally out of my closet")
You might say " oh no, I am straight" but some how manage to have urges with the same sex. You simply start by admiring them, then wanting to see them, then having some fantasy over that person... it's simply very Human.
Look, you have to dig deeper into yourself. The more you hide what you really feel like doing or liking - well that won't help. That is why I say " you'll never know until you try one".
Definitely nothing wrong for feeling different, hey... it's 2008 who cares what you feel. Being ashamed of your identity will pull you down, that's for sure. You'll never be happy.
I really could not give signs if you're straight or not... these depends on the individuality of a person based from their experiences and what they really feel. Admiring the same sex does not mean though that you are Les or Gay... like I said, it's all so Human.
But when you are active with your desire to be with that person, then you have to be sure of yourself. There are also times that you might be attracted because you are curious!!!! If you really want to know WHO and WHAT you are... better try. You have nothing to lose. This way you will definitely know what you really want and like. And your problem is solved.
This is really normal to have identity problem. We all do at times. It's just how you put yourself to prospectives. Believe me I know.
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