Thursday, April 15, 2010
Then Came Lola (2009) >>A talented, but distracted photographer, Lola, on the verge of success in both love and work, could lose it all if she doesn't make it to a crucial meeting on time. But, as usual, Lola is late. With her job and girlfriend on the line, she has three chances to make it right. In a desperate race through the streets and back rooms of San Francisco, time grows short-will Lola make it? Will she come at all? With a pop sensibility that mixes live action, animation and still photography, And Then Came Lola explores love's age old question in a fresh new way, "If you try, try again, will you finally get it right?"
Go Fish (1994) >> Max is a trendy, pretty, young lesbian, who is having trouble finding love. A friend sets her up with Ely...
I really like both movies. Then came lola is a drama-comedy-romance. Pretty showed a lot of characters and facts of whats going on with lesbian life.
While Go Fish is a drama-romance... it's pretty old movie but, the catch is that it showed a lot of ideas between the "wannabe lesbians and the real ones". Am not really sure if they released this movie here in the Phil. But you may watch it in Megavid or Videoweed on PC.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Are you a Pansexual OR a Polysexual?
1. A pansexual (pan meaning "all"), in terms of sexual orientation, is someone with the capacity to be attracted to someone regardless of their sex, including those who may be transgendered/transsexual/butch/dykes/gays/femmes/soft-butch.
2. A polysexual (poly meaning "many"), in terms of sexual orientation, is someone with the capacity to be attracted to many genders, but not necessarily all of them, dykes/butch/gays/femmes/soft-butch but never on transgender and transsexual.
There you have it... now we can say that it ain't easy to be a real Lesbian. It ain't just for fun to be one and definitely it ain't because it's a hip to be one. If ever you're attracted to men in any ways, then you're BIsexual... you can never say you're a LESbian. NEVER.
How do lesbian have sex? Straight people ask...
Your tongue and fingers can do everything. Toys can add to the fun, but are not necessary.
- Oral sex to one another
- Preform oral sex at the same time with each other in the '69' position.
- Scissoring, where they touch their genitals together and or rub them.
- Strap-on sex, where a harness equipped with a dilldo is worn by one woman and she penetrates the vagina, anus, or both.
- There are however several other methods which facilitate non-sex aid love making such as scissoring/tribadism, mutual masturbation and oral sex.
- You don't need to strap on a penis. If you're really good all you need is your tongue and fingers. At least most lesbians think it's better.
- Speaking from personal experience and as a lesbian, most lesbian couples enjoy a far more enriched sex life than most hetero couples due to the levels of intimacy attainable by women and a greater knowledge of how to satisfy someone of the same gender.
- There are however several other methods which facilitate non-sex aid love making such as scissoring/tribadism, mutual masturbation and oral sex.
It's now up to you how you can imagine it... what straight couples do, lesbians can also do...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Is it fun being a lesbian?
Being a lesbian is very wonderful and fulfilling and beautiful and comforting and sensual and emotional. Between lesbians there can be radical equality, mystical unions, love, cuddling, sexuality, warmth, nurturing, support, humor, understanding, patience, healing, safety, community, female energy, and total intimacy.
Fulfilling and on more of an emotional level than being with a man if you are a true lesbian. I feel more connected and understood than I even did with a man. We also understand our little tiffs and attitudes and what it means more than the man. Plus the sex is great considering we have the same parts ;-). But I do have to say the public eye can be quite harsh. Public affection can't/won't happen in most places unless you want some horrid looks and comments. It can also be hard to come out to family, most likely not friends, and if your friends dismiss you, you don't need them. Being a lesbian is wonderful, if it the right way for you.
If you are a true lesbian and not a want to be it's better that with guys because a girl knows what a girl wants. It's nice to treat her the way you want to be treated, and sex can be more gratifying if the two are lesbians. She knows where all your sensitive spots are; she knows when you're in the mood, and women's ejaculation is so good.
You don't have the social rules like if you want sex you don't need to pretend that you'd love to invite someone to dinner...or you don't have to pretend with your other friends that you love the other person enough to make out and you can be you (if you are a lesbian! You experiment equality! It's awesome when you totally come out.
If two people are lesbians then their experiences can certainly be gratifying, but don't buy into the fact if you are straight and feel becoming a lesbian you will have a faultless relationship. Having lesbian friends they have been honest with me in saying that when two women are having their menses cycle it's like putting two Pitt Bulls into a sack! Lesbians are not much different than straight couples and have their problems and their arguments and some cheat on each other. Others fall out of love and move on. If you're straight remain straight and for those who are lesbians then try to find the right woman for a good relationship because sex isn't the number one factor in a good relationship and it's loyalty, honesty, staying power, and good communication skills just like straight people have to learn.
How do you know if you are a lesbian?
If you find that you are only attracted to females in a sexual/romantic way, then you are most likely a lesbian. If being in a relationship with a female is something that feels right to you and being in a relationship with a male just is not right for you, then you are most likely a lesbian.
Have you ever experimented with another girl before or is it just a physical attraction and not a sexual one? If it's only physical then you probably aren't I mean i find it to be perfectly natural to find someone of the same of the same sex attractive as long as you don't think of that person in a sexual manner. But if it's both sexual and physical then you might just be open-minded as long as you still are attracted to men. I hope i helped answer your question.
If you enjoyed the lesbian experience you are attracted to women, but you might not be a lesbian. If you're still attracted to men you're bi.
Well if you like a girl or a boy more than you r friends than you are very likely to be gay or lesbian. if you like a boy and a girl than you are probably bi. but don't worry cause everybody are what they are.
If you find that you are attracted to both males and females in a sexual/romantic way, you are probably bisexual. If you are just as comfortable being in a relationship (or imagining being in a relationship) with a female as you are when in a relationship (or imagining...) with a male, you are probably bisexual.
Your sexuality is something that can only be determined by you, yourself. However, some people never find a label that truly fits them. You may find that neither of the terms "bisexual," or "lesbian" really fits you, & it's okay if it they do not. Not everyone can be categorized so easily.
There is no real answer to that! I'm sorry to say. I will tell you a bit about how I found out, maybe that will help.
I'm a girl of course. Around my 4th grade year, I was noticing that I had a tendency to dress in male clothing. And I had a lot of thoughts about kissing some of my friends that were female. I didn't understand at that point.
Before 8th grade a girl asked me out, at first we were just joking, before I knew it we both took it seriously. I thought liking girls was just a phase that I would pass out of. But, I notice that seeing a female not in clothing drove me wild.
And kissing them was so pleasing, that I came to terms that I was bisexual. I still like guys, but I've liked girls for about more than 8 years now. I couldn't be any happier.
Hope this helps. If you don't know what your feeling, try something with a girl, if you enjoy it and continue to enjoy it... then most likely you are bisexual or lesbian. but if you find that you don't like guys anymore, or you find that you still like guys, that is just how it goes. Be strong, for if you are bisexual or lesbian, you might be in for a rough life.
Bi is when you are interested and act with both sexes. Lesbian is when your interest and actions are only is women.
When you are in love with another woman.
If you can get similarly exited by both males and females you are Bi if you are not turned on or sexually attracted by women then you are lesbian. However it is all a matter of degrees, the sexual act in itself is enjoyable and to enjoy it with some one else of either sex need have nothing to do with your sexual orientation.
If you are attracted to other women and have strong 'love' bonds and feelings towards them, you might be a lesbian. To find out for sure, have a relationship with another woman and then you'll know.
Most women who are lesbians (and most gay men) say they know something is "up" between the ages of 7-10.
While most straight teens go through normal "crushes" on the same sex, these feelings usually fade, if they occur at all. However, for a gay person, these feelings usually grow stronger and any initial feelings of attraction to the opposite sex fade, unless this person is bisexual.
Most importantly, being gay or lesbian is not merely about wanting to have sex with the same sex--straight women sometimes have flings with other women, and gay people often have sex with the opposite sex. While physical attraction is a strong component, most gays, and especially lesbians, find an emotional attraction that is equally strong, if not stronger.
If you're over 21, the test would be this: If you are a woman who fantasizes about being with another woman--do you also want to wake up with her in the morning, have coffee and go on a long walk through the park holding hands? If not, you're probably not a lesbian.
Only you know if you are gay or not. No one else can answer that.
Look into your heart. Is this how you feel ? Do you feel like you are gay? Have you ever experimented? Time will tell.
Lesbian? What kind of a Lesbian?
1. Butch / Dykes : These are lesbians that wears jeans, shirts, caps and pop-ups. They naturally act like men, talk like men and never have a touch of their feminine side. These kind of lesbians are always attracted to femmes.
2. Soft butch : These are lesbians who wear skinny jeans or jeans, fit shirt, sneakers, slippers, sling bags, eyeliner, lip gloss and sometimes nail polish in short nails. They can be attracted to Butch / Dykes, femmes and even soft butch like them.
3. Femmes : These are lesbians who wear heels, skirts, make ups, nail polish in long nails, acts very poised and never will can you figure out if they are lesbian. These are women who normally gets attracted to butch / dykes and even sometimes femmes like them.
4. Gay : A lesbian who can be both ways at times. A soft butch or Femme. Normally is attracted to Butch / dyke and Soft Butch. They can wear either the soft butch style or the femme style.
When we say Lesbian.... there is a lot to it. So, which one are you? I am gay... so gay and I'm proud of it.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My kind of WOMEN.....
I like it both ways. Meaning I am attracted to soft butch and butch... I have nothing against dykes and femmes... But I really don't know why I always get so attracted to these kind of women.... I believe because I kind of see myself through them and it makes me comfortable with people like them...
Here are some photos that will give you a sort of an idea of the women i normally date and get so attracted to...
So there you have it.... yup these are my types.
A lot of people are kind of confused when it comes to being a Lesbian. They make it so complicated, don't really know why. I mean for a fact when you say your a tomboy, that does not mean that you have to wear like men do or act like men do.... it's being expressive of the real you.
AND THIS IS SO ME =) don't get me wrong... I also wear sunday dresses, short skirts and all.... but you will see me normally on clothes such as this.....=)
Thanks for reading... and keep on reading!!! PEACE!
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Rainbow (LGBT's pride) Flag... it's meaning
The original flag had eight stripes from top to bottom: pink (sexuality), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), turquoise (magic), indigo/blue (serenity), and violet (spirit). Within a year, the flag had shed two of its stripes—pink and violet. According to Gilbert, they "ran out of pink dye." The violet stripe was later taken out to create an even number of stripes on the flag.Since, many variations of the flag have been created. For instance, a black stripe is added to some symbolizing those lost to AIDS. There are also variations to represent bisexual people, bears and others.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I believe that it's hard for others to please me, and so to please myself... in a minute I like this and in a while I don't coz I found better and ending up messing things so bad. I can be in a relationship for like years and years, but please do not expect me to be faithful... mmm in the first 3 months yes will, but I really couldn't help myself pleasing others too.... it suck to be me, believe me. But, but... if I really like the person that I'm with, it's like all or nothing. I give my best and make sure that she's one hell happy person in bed and in relationship...
People might think I'm a bad and a foolish person that doesn't need to be given much attention... but, I'm nice - that's what they say, and I believe them, my friends calls me "under the table job"... you know what I mean. It's just that I can't be faithful all the time. BUT I always remember, acknowledge and appreciate things that were given and done to me... at all times. I'm not just faithful.
I was or still am in my now 4 year relationship... living in - for that matter and she caught me being unfaithful several times... the reason I feels like can't really leave her is that she does millions of things for me on my favor. And I feel that I can't live without her, but somehow feels like I have to let go of her coz it ain't fair for her... I know. Every time I think about it, it melts my heart... but there's a feeling that damns me... like a whisper saying "go have fun, don't worry to much". I can't really assume to myself that I'm a player... coz I'm not.
There was a story I actually posted here weeks ago about this girl I really like... we were both taken... had years relationship, but we were doing great. Until the day came she chose to be with her 5 yr GF... It was like she was forced to chose her coz her GF was like paying for everything.... Told her that doesn't matter - - money doesn't matter shit to me. Now I'm paying for all the damn things I've done... I can't stop thinking about her, somehow I'm still hoping for her to get back, but no assurance that.... I'll be faithful to her too. Selfish right, I don't know, that's the way I am....
And then came another girl that was introduced to me by an office staff... she's cool.... kinda young, but..... but.... awesomely sexy... I believe she is a soft-butch, which is alright. And believe me, I kind of give up on her.... she is really hard, moody and irate... but I find her funny at times. I am really attracted to her and I'm trying to myself not to treat her like the others, good luck to me..... unfortunately after the days of trying, I found out we were cool as friends and I was happy to find it out. Why? because actually we have the same attitude and positive + positive will never attract right, it mus be negative + positive...
Alls well that ends well I may say... as for myself, I am enjoying life, NOT to the extent of using people... I just enjoy their company. Nothing more nothing less.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Top 10 First Lesbian Date Mistakes to Avoid
2. Don't Answer Your Cell Phone
You might think she'll be impressed with the number of times your phone goes off in one night. Boy, aren't you popular! Really, she'll be more impressed if you focus your attention on her. Turn the cell phone off and put it in your pocket.3. Don't Talk Too Much About Your Ex
It's okay to mention that you've had exes and even how long you were together. But don't go on and on about what a mean and evil bitch she was, how she threw a rock through your window and kidnapped your cat. Likewise, don't tell her how much you were in love with her and how you thought you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. Put your past behind you and focus on the future.4. Don't Get Drunk
One or two drinks is fine, but know your limit. No one wants to worry about how a date they just met is going to drive herself home, or worse, watch her throw-up in the bathroom.5. Don't Take her to a Place Where All Your Friends Are
You asked her on a date because you want to get to know her. You don't need your friend making a face at you from across the room or interrupting your conversation. Go someplace you feel comfortable, but where you can talk in private.6. Don't Get Too Maudlin
Keep it light. Sure you can talk about serious issues if they're meaningful to you, but don't drone on and on about depressing topics. Take your cue from her body language. Is she tuning out? Change the topic.7. Don't Plan too Long of a Date
Keep the first date short and simple. Don't invite her up for a day of apple picking, bike riding, dinner and hot tubbing. Go for coffee, ice cream or a simple dinner. You don't want to be stuck all day with someone if things don't go well. Or if things do go well, you want to save some activities for the second and third dates.8. Don't Get Too High Expectations
It's a first date. Nothing more. Don't start making plans to move in together or start believing you're now "girlfriends."9. Don't Play Games
If the date's not going well and you want a way out, simply say it was nice meeting her and excuse yourself. Don't have your friends call you and pretend there's been an accident and you need to come quickly. Be honest. Don't say you want a second date if you don't intend to follow through.10. Don't Be Rude
Show up on time. Be nice to her and to any wait staff or people you encounter. Let her see your best side, even if you never intend to see her again. Remember, she may have a friend you're interested in.Monday, January 25, 2010
It all began when I met one of my trainees... followed by simple txt messages, followed by short visitations at my office then followed by longer meetings followed by.... I guess you know what I mean.... It was going on for a month and thought that I won't fall for her, but I did eventually... unfortunately my girlfriend never had the idea of my feeling for this other girl....This other girl knew about my girlfriend too and I also know about hers... they've been together for 5 years, and never had she cheated on her...
I fell for her and she did too, unfortunately we were both not ready to begin a new relationship. My relationship with my girlfriend is in a boat floating on big waves..... so as we speak. That reasoned out for me to venture to another that ended up in heart ache...
It ended with the other girl.... although she broke up with her girlfriend, but she came back running for her... reason? a lot though... and I'm left in a tragedy of reasoning out what is there for me...
Yes, I have to put a closure with my girlfriend... its hard but I need to do it slowly... it wont be fair for her if I go on without the same feelings anymore. 3 years might be too long, but its the quality of the relationship that counts.
The hardest part is that the entire family knows her already, accepted her too... the fact that she lives with me..... wow!!!
Now I am just hoping not to be in a rebound relationship. As of the other girl, she told me to back off.......HURTS!!!!!