1. A pansexual (pan meaning "all"), in terms of sexual orientation, is someone with the capacity to be attracted to someone regardless of their sex, including those who may be transgendered/transsexual/butch/dykes/gays/femmes/soft-butch.
2. A polysexual (poly meaning "many"), in terms of sexual orientation, is someone with the capacity to be attracted to many genders, but not necessarily all of them, dykes/butch/gays/femmes/soft-butch but never on transgender and transsexual.
There you have it... now we can say that it ain't easy to be a real Lesbian. It ain't just for fun to be one and definitely it ain't because it's a hip to be one. If ever you're attracted to men in any ways, then you're BIsexual... you can never say you're a LESbian. NEVER.
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