Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flirt Using Reading Body Language

You see someone from across the room and think: Wow. I want to meet them. But how can you be sure that your body language conveys your true intentions - to flirt?
These body language cues are excellent ways to show the object of your interest that you'd like to get to know them better. And if someone uses these cues on you? Flirt right back -- because flirting is harmless, and practice makes perfect.
Flirt Using Your Eyes
Holding eye contact with someone you find appealing for approximately five seconds is well-used flirt tactic, mostly because it is highly effective, although its ease and simplicity of use doesn't hurt. - need to lock eyes three times before the flirt recipient catches on.

Preening To Flirt
There are many, many ways one groom themselves in public in a flattering yet flirty way, depending on your gender. Ladies can try some hair stroking, posture enhancing, neck exposing, hip tilting (if standing), clothes straightening or lip licking - all with the intention of calling attention to her attractiveness. Men can also straighten their clothing, lick their lips or fix their hair, but they should also include things like hooking their fingers into their pants (if standing), suck in their stomach, or take deep breaths to increase the size of their chest. For both men and women, try to use preening body language that shows off your best features while enhancing what makes you, you.

Flirt With a Smile
There are few things better than receiving a genuine, radiant smile from a stranger, yet many people don't respond to them as a flirt tactic. Therefore, use your smile in conjunction with the other body language ideas listed in this article to ensure whomever you've got your eye on realizes a flirt is your intention.

Flirt By Pointing
No, not by using your finger silly. Instead, try to 'point' at the person you want to flirt with by moving your body towards them. Take your feet and make sure they are facing your flirt target, and use your shoulders to lean into them - even if you aren't speaking with them. Other ideas include facing your shoulders towards them or 'closing off' a space just for the two of you (such as crossing your legs towards each other).

Using Touch To Flirt
Look for opportunities where you can touch the person you want to flirt with, either 'accidentally' or otherwise. Shaking hands is an excellent flirt tactic, because not only does it place your hands together (which conveys a "higher level of intimacy" according to Alan and Barbara Pease), but it is easy way to combine flirting with an introduction. You could also try carefully and casually placing your hands on the person's arms to very gently 'move' them so you can pass by on your way to the bathroom, or lightly tap their arm while sharing a laugh. And if you aren't quite comfortable touching the person you want to flirt with quite yet, you can try mimicking their movements for a short period of time (i.e. a couple of seconds), instead.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meet My Friends

Friends... they play a very important role in my life-next to my family.

I just want to share this funny thing that happened to me here in my blog, somebody actually posted in my cbox saying that: "ey ms. chona, i wanna see your friend" I really don't know who she or he was and the reason why. But of course I am person that is easy to ask favor with...

Unfortunately, I deleted that message because there was something after that favor... sorry mate, who ever you were. And to answer your 2nd question, yes I am a Lesbian and am not interested to have a relationship with men. But to have straight people as my pals... Of course, why not.

So here goes.... me and my friends who always cuddles with alcoholism....
LOVE YOU ALL...... friends and readers!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Etiquette for Lesbians Flirting over Text Messaging

Text messaging is a great way to get in contact with someone you have just met, want to know better, are interested in dating or for flirting. So, you've met someone and you've got her cell phone number and you want to send her a text, how should you go about it? Here are some tips and Etiquette for text messaging.
Ask First.
When you get her number, ask if it's okay to text. Some people don't have plans that include lots of text messages. You don't want to run her cell phone bill up. Also, some people don't like to text message.
Keep it short.
Most cell phone plans allow for up to 160 characters. If you've got something longer to say, either call her or send an email.
Start simple.
Send a message and see how she responds. Start simple and innocent. Just sending a message will let her know you're somewhat interested. No need to get too flirty too fast. Use her response to gauge what you do next.
Use Discretion.
Don't get too sexual over text message if you know she's at work, at her parents or some other place where hearing such a comment would be inappropriate.
Don't Drink and Text.
One sure way to say something you regret later is to send an impulsive text when you're tipsy. Refrain from texting if you're drinking.
Keep an Eye on the Clock.
Just because you're a night owl, doesn't mean she is. Don't send a text message at an hour when you wouldn't call her. If her phone is on, it will probably wake her up.
Keep it fun and Flirty.
Don't say anything over text that you wouldn't tell her in person. But do have fun, be playful and try to elicit a laugh.
Don't Diss Your Friends.
You may be really into this girl, but don't have a long conversation with her while you're visiting with your friends or family. Let her know you're happy to hear from her, but that you're busy and will get back to her later.
Nothing Serious.
Don't break up with her over text message, have a fight over text or discuss any serious issue. That should be done face-to-face.
Make Dates.
Text messaging can be fun, but it can't replace real live encounters. Use texting to make a date to actually see each other in person.
Give her time to reply.
You may have the fastest fingers in the West, but some people aren't that adept at text messaging. She may be waiting to respond to you after she gets off work, when she has time to think about what she wants to say or after she checks in with her best friend to help her remember which person she gave her number to that night you are.
Don't Over Do it.
Don't send her thousands of texts if she doesn't respond. That's like leaving someone ten voice mails. It sounds stalkerish or desperate, neither of which you want to be if you're trying to impress someone.
Save the Special for Face-to-Face.
Don't tell her you love her for the first time over a text. Don't ask her to marry you or move in over a text. Anything serious should be done in person.


Before you come out to your parents, there are a few things you should think about. The first is, imagine the worst-case scenario. You may think your parents will be fine with this information, but what if they aren’t? The truth is, most parents do not react badly, but you might want to think about these things, just in case.
If you live with your parents and they decide to kick you out, do you have a place to go? Have a back-up plan. Line up a friend to stay with, in case you need it.
Are you financially dependent on your family? Are you relying on them to pay for your college? No one wants to believe that her parents will cut off their college funding for coming out as lesbian, but it has happened. If you think your parents might be the type, you might want to consider waiting until you are no longer financially dependent upon them.
Next ask yourself why you want to let your parents know? Is it because you want to let them know about an important part of yourself? Good. But if your answer is, “I think it’s time they deal with their homophobic feelings,” you might want to really consider what that means and what it might do to your relationship. Although it may seem tempting, do not come out during an argument or when you feel angry. Those feelings will outweigh the message you are trying to deliver and may make it harder for your parents to accept the news.
Consider telling another family member before you come out to your parents. An aunt, cousin or sibling can be an ally for you if your parents freak out.

Pick a Good Time
Try to schedule a chunk of uninterrupted time with your parent(s). It is usually better not to do this around some big family function, like Thanksgiving or the Winter Holidays. There is usually a lot of stress around these times of year already. However, if this is the only practical time, try to do it on a day that is less hectic.
I would recommend coming out in person, rather than over the phone or in a letter or email. There’s no replacing the face-to-face contact.
If you’re seeing someone, don’t bring her along. Although you may want her support, it will probably be easier for your parents if it’s just you. There’ll be plenty of time for introductions later. Or if your parents have already met your sweetheart and she’s dazzled them, you can let them know that she is your special one.

How do I know if I'm a Lesbian?

How do I know if I’m a lesbian or not? Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. This can be a physical attraction, emotional attraction or sexual attraction. If you’re a woman attracted to women, you might be a lesbian. Or you might be bisexual or you might simply be a straight women who is attracted to a friend. It may take you some time to determine which one you are.
Some women claim to have known from a very early age that they were lesbian, or at least knew that there was something “different” about themselves. Others don’t come out until their forties, fifties and even later, after having spent years in a heterosexual marriage. Whatever your situation, what is most important is that you’re taking the time now to try and figure it out and get to know yourself better.

"I think I’m a lesbian, but I’ve never had sex with a girl."
That’s okay. Most straight people know that they are attracted to the opposite sex before they ever actually have sex. There’s no need to rush to have sex to “find out” if you’re a lesbian or not. Do what feels natural to you.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I grew up abroad which made me as open minded as I can be, but though, it was not really easy for me to come out from my closet and say " mom-dad... I think I am a lesbian". (my life story posted in the older post)

So I deeply feel about people who are hiding right now. I know society holds your "Being you" part of it. I know and I am aware that here in CEBU it is not that openly accepted, "the g to g" relationship. But what I say about it????? I don't give a damn!!! See, what is the worst thing a parent can do once they know their daughter is a Lesbian? - get mad, scream, cry, disappointed, unhappy...... BUT they can NEVER hate you. And those (PARENTS) are the people you should be more concern of about being a lesbian. They will still love and not hate you, eventually they will accept it - Believe me. Friends??? friends can always blah-blah in that instant, but will forget what they blah-blah about you and still be your friend - some might be in a distance for a while, but try to throw a huge party, I guarantee you they will be there!!!!

So, coming out is not as easy as we can all just say it - I know. Try to slowly act on. Try to be yourself. Don't imitate others-like Shane from LWord... by the way I love that series... But what I mean is that, Be yourself. Wear what ever that can hold your body together. Remember, you will never know how it is until you try-right? How would you know that an ice cream is sweet if you'll never taste it? So how will you know if that is really YOU that you're feeling unless if you grab some woman and taste.... "i kissed a girl and i like it" familiar? yup.

But of course, please do not do this shit if you are just fuckin' wasted or curious and start blaming yourself of what you just did that you cant even remember - for straight people who are curious, please remember... Lesbians do have feelings too. We are as human as anyone can be.

Now, I shall take a bow and exit stage right. All I can say is that: "lets throw a WOMAN'S party only" hahahaha. that sounded so good! Take care and keep reading!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As Requested...

Ok, there are a few people who knows me as their cyber friend in this blog. They ask me where I am , what I am, my love life and so on... to those who wish to know my Coming Out story and how I became one, you can go to my older post (just click older post) there you will have an idea of my story and who I am. But for a bonus.... here's some quick intro :) But thank you all for those who visited my blog. Let's support 3rd community, they are as human as others.

Personal Data:

Name:Chona Lou T. Gamboa
BDay: September 25, 1980
Zodiac: Libra
Current add: 587 Gen. Luna St. Poblacion, Talisay Cebu
Grew up in: Bahrain and Canada
Languages spoken: Arabic, French, English, Tagalog and Cebuano
Present job: Communications Trainer
Work exp: ESL Manager, Logistics, Med Sec., CSR HR and FO
Course: AB Fine Art Major in Advertising
Schools: Gulf Academy, St. Christopher, Sacred Heart and CIC in Cebu
Marital status: Annulled, right after giving birth to my son as a gift for my parents
Family: Mom, Dad and brother in Canada
Relationships: 2 men. 1 was my ex husband, 1 was a fling in HS and 12 women
Love life: In a relationship. Currently for 4 years, but it's shaky (2010)
Friends: 90% from 3rd community
Music: Orchestral rock, rock, jazz and alternative
Colors: Black, violet and blue
Attracted to: Butch, soft-butch, gays and sometimes femmes.
Sports played: Tennis and billiards
Hobbies: DVD marathon, getting a tattoo and chillin with friends
Drinks: Jack Daniels, RH and Gatorade
Past time: Blogging
Proud of: 1 son, tattoos, piercing, car and friends
About me: Very friendly but very frank. Most of the time my being honest kills people offs feelings. I am a murderer of feelings. But always there to help if needed. NEVER LOOKS DOWN ON ANYBODY.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's not only us...

With so few lesbians or bisexuals out in Hollywood or in the public eye, Angelina Jolie has been embraced by the lesbian and bisexual community. She speaks openly and honestly about her feelings for women. Despite the fears that would keep some celebrities in the closet, Angelina Jolie continues to win big awards and big movie roles.
Angelina Jolie Lesbian Quotes:
Jane magazine readers voted Angelina Jolie as the female actor who makes their knees weak. To which Jolie responded, "They're right to think that about me, because I'm the person most likely to sleep with my female fans. I genuinely love other women. And I think they know that."
About Lara Croft Jolie said, "Can you imagine Lara Croft as a lesbian?...At the end of the day, I really like women. I'd love it if the girls in the cinema watching Lara Croft find me just as hot as their boyfriends do."
In an interview with Elle magazine, Angelina Jolie said, "Honestly, I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street."
"When I was 20, i fell in love with somebody who happened to be a woman."
"I was open about it (bisexuality) because I wanted people to know that I had been with a woman. i spoke about it because I'd discovered something wonderful and I thought people should know my experience was very real, very normal."
When Barbra Walters asked her if she was bisexual, Jolie responded, "Of course. If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I feel that it's okay to want to kiss and touch her? If I fell in love with her? Absolutely! Yes!"
"I love women and men equally and I see people and love as love, so I think it makes sense that a woman would know I'd appreciate and love her as much as I would a man."

Drew's relationships with men have been public, but her bisexuality was kept hidden for some time. Finally in 2003 Barrymore admitted she is bisexual.

Drew Barrymore more loves the Ladies:
Drew says she's had numerous affairs with women and will continue to do so. "Do I like women sexually? Yes, I do. Totally," she admits. US magazine reported in 2007 Jane Pratt, the former editor of Jane magazine says she and Drew Barrymore had sex. Although she didn't elaborate or say when this happened, Drew Barrymore was on the cover of Jane in 1997.
Women are Beautiful:
Drew says, "I think a woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful."

Monday, September 22, 2008


How does a woman flirt with another woman? That can be tricky, especially if you do not know the sexual orientation of the object of your flirt.
There's nothing like having someone flirt with you to boost your self-esteem. Whether or not you return the attraction, it feels good to know that someone finds you attractive. Flirting is an art. It's a two-way game. You have to be able to read your partner's interest and comfort in the flirtation in order to know how to proceed.
But, if done properly, there is nothing better or more exciting than letting the electricity grow between you two in the beginning stages of a relationship. Flirting can be subtle or overt. I prefer the subtle kind.

Here's some tips for flirting:
1.) When you're out together, try to sit near her. Notice if she moves closer or farther away. When you're sitting on a couch and your thighs touch, what does she do? Does she let it stay or inch away?
2.)Look her in the eye when you are talking. Hold the stare for a little longer than you would a normal conversation. It may sound corny, but open a door for her to walk through.
If you're sitting across from each other, gently put your hand on hers. Don't move it away unless she does.
3.)Tell her she looks nice tonight. Compliment her hair or outfit. Find out what makes her laugh. There's nothing like humor to cut the tension and loosen you both up. Offer to get her a drink if you're at a party or bar together.
4.)Touch her hand or shoulder when you hand her a drink. Tell her you've been thinking about her.
5.)Call her just to say hi and see what's she's been doing.
6.)Send her a little note that says you enjoyed spending time together. An email is okay, hand written and dropped at her door or mailed is better.
7.)Be careful not to over do it. You don't want to seem like a stalker. Look for signs that your flirtation is unwanted. Does she get off the phone quickly when you call? Do you send her long flowery e-mails, only to get one line answers in return? If so, back off and let her come to you.
Good luck and most of all, have fun!

FIRST TIME, Lesbian Sex Tips

First Time Lesbian Sex
Tips for your first lesbian sexual experience
There’s a lot wrapped up in your first time lesbian sexual experience. Whether it’s your first time having sex at all, or your first time having sex with another woman, being nervous is normal. There’s so much cultural hype about “your first time” and “losing your virginity.” One thing is true, you never do forget your first time. Here’s some tips to get you through your first time lesbian sexual experience.
1. Get to know your own body. Before you can even think about turning someone else on, it’s good to know what excites you. Yes, I’m talking about masturbation. Spend some time one-on-one with yourself. As you touch yourself and find the places that feel good, you’ll know where to touch her. And more importantly, how to tell her what turns you on.
2. Go sober. You want to remember your first lesbian sex. Sometimes alcohol or drugs can lower your inhibitions and make the first move easier, but you’re not as likely to do or say something regrettable if you’re sober.
3. Go Safe. Yes, lesbians need to worry about sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and AIDS.
Read up on lesbian safer sex and be prepared to bring the topic up with your partner. Unfortunately, safe sex is still not talked about very often in the lesbian community.
4. Fantasize. It all begins with fantasy. If you’re ready to sleep with another woman, you must have thought about it. What are those thoughts? Does she throw you down on the bed and have her way with you? Or do you go skinny dipping in your backyard pool? There’s a saying, you must imagine it before you can do it.
5. Leave the toys in the drawer. There will be plenty of time to learn about and play with sex toys. Let your first time be simple flesh-on-flesh love.
6. Relax. Take your time. Touch her all over. Don’t got straight for her crotch. Undress her slowly, appreciating every newly exposed piece of flesh. Kiss her elbows. Touch her breasts. Blow softly in her ear. Kiss her neck. Caress her belly, her inner thighs. Kiss behind her knees. Smell under her arms. Massage her buttocks. Slowly suck on her fingers. Get naked and lay your body on top of hers. There’s so much erotic fun you can have before you ever even touch her pubic area. Enjoy.
7. Communicate. Ask her what she wants. Ask her if what you’re doing feels good. Tell her where you want to be touched. Communication is key to any good sexual relationship. If she’s doing something you like, moan or purr to let her know that feels good.
8. Have realistic expectations. Your first time with a lover should be about getting to know her body, getting to know how to turn her on and learning what your chemistry is. Orgasm may or may not happen the first time. That’s okay. The point is to get physical, get close, express your feelings of love or desire

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Alright, we have to give some benefit of the doubts to those who are a bit worried about their identity... I was once too you know. ( Check my older blogs; click on old posts " im totally out of my closet")
You might say " oh no, I am straight" but some how manage to have urges with the same sex. You simply start by admiring them, then wanting to see them, then having some fantasy over that person... it's simply very Human.
Look, you have to dig deeper into yourself. The more you hide what you really feel like doing or liking - well that won't help. That is why I say " you'll never know until you try one".

Definitely nothing wrong for feeling different, hey... it's 2008 who cares what you feel. Being ashamed of your identity will pull you down, that's for sure. You'll never be happy.
I really could not give signs if you're straight or not... these depends on the individuality of a person based from their experiences and what they really feel. Admiring the same sex does not mean though that you are Les or Gay... like I said, it's all so Human.

But when you are active with your desire to be with that person, then you have to be sure of yourself. There are also times that you might be attracted because you are curious!!!! If you really want to know WHO and WHAT you are... better try. You have nothing to lose. This way you will definitely know what you really want and like. And your problem is solved.
This is really normal to have identity problem. We all do at times. It's just how you put yourself to prospectives. Believe me I know.

9 signs of depression

Depression becomes an illness when common feelings related to personal failure or loss are severe and interfere with one’s work or social life. Feelings can include worthlessness and self-blame, sadness, disappointment and emptiness.
Of the 9 signs of depression (see inset), a person usually must have 4 to 5 of them, with at least one of the first 2 to be diagnosed with depression.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, depression is one of the most common mental health disorders . 7.9-8.6% of adults will have major depression during their lifetime in Canada (Health Canada). In 2003 alone there were over 11.6 million visits to doctors across Canada concerning depression.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Been troubled lately... Anger was in my heart... these are one of the reasons why I wasn't able to blog for such a long time...

But, now I'm fine with more interesting journals to share, experiences unexpected and peoples thoughts... Got new Lesbian friends too that you might be interested of.... :)

Got a job too, but now I've grown and stepped forward to my stepping stone.

New stories to tell you behind a Lesbians life...REALITY. been talking to people lately...

So please hang on for a little more.... love you all.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Was it just a FANTASY , DREAM or REALITY?

First of all, I hate the color Pink, but perhaps I may say that I am in a Limbo right now... sort of... not about my sexual orientation for that matter!!! Right. So, I am out of work - Again. Yes. I really cannot make up my freaking mind. Why do I always have to look for something different? Answer? Don't know....
But, something came up during the past few weeks, I keep on meeting people. People of our kind... and it seemed to me that I had been missing a lot of something lately. Maybe coffee with mates and catching up with friends. So I did those, catched up with my Lez Atty. friend who came to visit Cebu and we had Red Horse instead of Coffee... we chatted. And yes I missed a lot of things, knew a lot of stuff while chatting with her. It amazed me how she can see things, look through things and describe things.... one of my favorite is: " Don't keep on asking if you don't want me to lie to you " <<< a big hit! and " When we're younger it is important to be happy than to be right, but as we grow older it is important to be right than to be happy " <<< golden award! I never knew there is a such word as... TRISEXUAL......hehehe.... Try everything... and that's a joke.
Eventually, after hours and hours of chatting, I felt a relief... I realized 3 things... I am truly a Lesbian - no doubt, I am penny less and I am committed with someone. So which one's are fantasy, dream and reality? Is it me a lesbian - Fantasy? No. Or I never dream of being penny less.... or me being committed with someone a reality for me? As I am sitting here in front of my PC doing this blog, I cannot imagine how things in life really works. Or, how it should be, or where it must be. But anyway, there are more important things I have to settle... BILLLLLSSSSSSSS..... Globe lines, PLDT, PO, 5'6, Credit Cards.... you name it, and now not having any job again... well, this is the time we say " A-kuna ma-tata " hehehe.
There are a lot of stuff I want to share here... but I am still focusing on them 1 by 1 because as to my brain cells are in cyber space.
If some of you may ask, how I'm doing lately.... well, not fine. My heart is messed up, life's messed up every thing seem to change.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Back on the Job!

I'm back on track and in action! Got a Job!!!! after weeks of job searching, job interviews... it was all worth it....
Anyway, yes, I am back in track too.... feeling useless the previous weeks made my sex life into a swinging mood. And now I'm done with work hunts, I guess my sex life will be back to normalcy mode!!!! My girlfriend was patient enough to roll with my moods, now she will be receiving lots from me. :)
Here's a story that goes with it, I guess she was being horny that night, and me, being this dum ass person, totally ignored her gestures... de ja vous, it happened more than 4 times in a week. I feel sorry for her... I guess being into so much of feeling useless made my sex moods change. So I guess I really have to hold on to this job now.... I don't want the same thing happen again. We all know sex is good. Specially if we're lesbians? Right?

Monday, February 25, 2008

No work + No cash = Useless

Jobless, no cash, credit card in max... for the first time in my life I never felt so useless. I cannot believe I resigned! Yes, yes I did. I was even astonished passing a resignation letter on the spot and which effected right away...
It was very a quick decision I made out there, no hesitations. I got irate about the company, I was tired and bored... after 7 months of banging my ass to work every day for 5 days in a week, I still cannot believe I let go of something I thought was important.
It was important before but now it wasn't. After knowing that my work was already out of place, it made me so sick. But never the less, I was happy for a while there... I met different sorts of personalities... aha, yes... Lesbians too :) It never caused such a problem though in a working environment there, actually it was even fun. Yah being a lesbian in a professional working atmosphere can be fun. I know I did.... :P
But back to the ground... I am still jobless. It is hard for me to make a career here. Building one is easy, but making one is difficult. A call center you might suggest, no not for me. I prefer mind driven jobs, more learning, not some scripted day to day work. ESL? yes that! I love to teach... I like the concept of teaching and at the same time learning the techniques of talking... - in which I am trying to force myself in mastering it for the purposes of FLIRTING... hahaha.
Alright, alright... I am a flirty old lesbian. Who prefers staying in between as a femme and a soft butch and being attracted with mostly butches than femmes. - But I love femmes too, not those hot rods though. I hate those.... too much make up, too sexy clothes which make them look like they are desperate!!!
Okay - we are talking about me being jobless, but I just can't stop sneaking thoughts about women.... it's just my nature though. I always find them a daily part of your daily life routine...
Right... while being a jobless creature at this moment, all I do all day is watch cartoons or sometimes veg out and sleep. Yes, I've been running here and there giving out my resume of course... although I am being a pig about it, but I still put efforts in doing so. Though Mama is still sending some cash, but it makes me feel more of a useless pest!
I am glad though that once in a while I check on my blogs and see that there are some people dropping in and putting in their comments... I love it! It makes me feel that I am still loved... mmm drama! So I guess I have to work and update more often now on my blogger, I actually have a lot of issues to write up, a little perverted and some a little too much of almost everything.
Which reminds me, what happened to that girl at my office.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Right.... a lot of people telling me that I am such a snob. well, that is totally untrue! Infact I am so friendly and out going, i can immidiately make friends with people, men or women, gays or straight. I am not an eccentric person.
I am Lesbian, that's true, I have 9 tattoos, true too, I have tongue and brow pierce, true, I am alcoholic, mmm yah you can say that too, I smoke, yes that too - but even though with all that, that doesn't make me a bad person, that doesn't make me different from others. eventhough I grew up abroad, I still have the heart of a pinay, I even like stying here for good now,
specially that I have gathered new sets of good friends....

During boring weekends, I enjoy myslef drinking, billiards and watching good pinoy bands!!! I used to have a Music entertainment - Purple Revenge entertainment- that catered Heavy Metal music.

To some, people address me as hardcore person because of the things that I like, enjoy and do... true too.
I like to hang around with people who are trully down to earth, friendly and true to them selves.

I love Redhorse, Bacardi, Jack Daniels, Jose Cuervo, emperador and Carlo rossi. i love Marlboro red and carribean tobaccos. I like to sit in the patio drinking tea in the morning and sitting by the garage under the heat of the sun.
I don't go to mass - BUT I have faith in the Lord and visit Sto. Rosario church every morning before heading for work. I have a good job, a 5 yr old son and credit card to spend my what ever I wish for and have my mother send me money to pay for it - - - joke!!!! I am living a happy and satisfied life with respect on top of my head, with love and assurance to the people surrounding me. I am very grateful of what I become and what I have in my life. So what else could I ask for? - - - - more credit cards!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Right Way.....

"Making love" that would be the first thing that pops in most straight people's mind. A lot of straight couples comes up to me asking me this question - How do you make love with her? I guarantee, it's no difference as being straight couples making love. I may say that the passion I have with women when I make love is intense.
I always make sure that I do it the right way... meaning, with love, tenderness and of course the satisfaction I give...
Making love-in so many ways, could be wild or gentle. If I truly love the person, I would rather prefer to caress her body gently than scratching her soft skin. I would rather stroke her hair softly than pulling it in different directions. I would rather kiss her passionately than just licking her anywhere.
To me, Making love is one of the greatest creation that anybody can enjoy, regardless of who they are. If you do it the right way, surely you will get the ultimate making love score ever.
There is no such thing as "how do you do it, you're both women or men?" question. making love is blind, it cannot see, but it can feel. The feeling of making love is important. We are all human beings with the rights to express our sexual desires.....

Lesbian Sacred Sexuality

"With vibrant double kiss, our words of sex and spiritualityare always lip to lip : ecstasy, communion, surrender, passion,mystery, devotion. As St Theresa said, "All the way to heavenis heaven." In the poetic text of Lesbian Sacred Sexuality, fleshplumes, the interior castle glistens. Buddha women enkindlethe breath within the breath, warming spine wine, mandalaeyes penetrate. Here, Lesbian camera subjects, unlikemodels, open their soft core, teaching how the mind tellsstories, how the body forgives. One question: Just where isthis dark room? A fragrantcedar forest where lightening struck a rushing mountainstream, releasing the essence of heavenly fire? To heranointments of light, I offer salty incense as valleys overflow.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Baguio City -- Who wore the bridal gown? Neither spouse. The couples were in their best barong tagalog as they march down the isle.
After six years nurturing their love, David and Alex finally exchanged wedding vows and rings as their family and friends stood witness to Baguio’s first same-sex wedding in a closed door ceremony held here last Monday.
David, a cultural arts worker, and Alex, a business consultant, formalized their relationship in a holy union officiated by Fr. Richard Mickley, founder of the Order of St. Aelred and known to have officiated same-sex marriages elsewhere in the country. The couple met in Manila six years ago and fell in love. They later moved to Baguio and became successful in their respective fields.
Two adult ring bearers and a lesbian partner carried their "wedding veil" that was actually a rainbow flag, the colorful international symbol of gay and lesbian pride.
"My partner and I don’t do role playing," said David. "We are both gay men and we’re taking pride in our decision to marry even if current laws won’t recognize this basic human right. But despite the inequality, a growing number of gay people are entering into relationships and establishing their own families without state-sponsored legislation."
He added that unlike holy matrimony, a "holy union" doesn’t require legal documents. People enter holy union as a holy sacrament that seeks divine blessings for the love they share to one another.
Proponents of same-sex marriage in the Philippines Congress have been pushing for the legislation of equal right for gays and lesbians but have always encountered violent opposition from conservatives, particularly the Catholic church, who shamelessly pervert the unconditional love of God by casting stones at those they declare more sinful than themselves.
The pre-dominantly Catholic population of the Philippines is traditionally tolerant and accepting of gays within the family structure. Many well-known gays hold visible and high positions in government and the private sector.
In 1994, the Progressive Organization of Gays in the Philippines (ProGay) led the first gay and lesbian pride march in the country. Since then, Filipino homosexuals have marched in an annual public pride parade every June and a number of grassroots GLBT groups have lobbied the government for official recognition of their basic human rights.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The brains of lesbian women respond to sexual hormones differently from heterosexual women, according to a new analysis.The lesbians' brains reacted somewhat like those of straight men. It's a finding that adds weight to the idea that homosexuality has a physical underpinning and is not learned behavior.

Similarities between the response of lesbians and straight men were not as strong as between homosexual men and straight women.It shows sexual orientation may very well have a different basis between men and women ... this is not just a mirror image situation.
The important thing is to be open to the likely situation that there are biological factors that contribute to sexual orientation.

What do you think? Do lesbians have more in common with straight men or with other women? Add your comments below.


I started to appreciate the same sex when I was in my elementary years. I thought It was quit odd because I was a bit uncomfortable about it. My family (clan) has some history of having Lesbian members.
I was really attracted to her, she was (is still) a butch. Her name was Bing. Every time I sit in class with her, I always could not stop looking in her direction. And every time our eyes met, I could not hide my red face. I liked the feeling.
Eventually as years passed, my family and I decided to relocate. I left the Philippines when I was only 10 yrs old. With in those many years, I never had thought about what I felt with the same sex, maybe because I was surrounded with boys and femmes in school and was very busy with school work and adjusting to the new environment. It was then with in the 11yrs in Bahrain I got married. I was 21 and had a baby boy and graduated college.
After 11yrs in Bahrain, my family and I relocated again. My husband and I were separated because of work. He was based in Mosul, Iraq while I stayed in Canada with my parents and my little son. With in 4 years my relationship with my husband was not good. I got hooked up with some girls here and there. So I decided to work with DHL so I can be based in Iraq to be with him. And there I was, Baghdad, Iraq. It did not help.
I was 26 when I got back in the Philippines to be legally separated. And I was.
During my stay in the Philippines I met someone of the same sex who literally moved in with me. I then made a comparison. Men can be sometimes clueless. It was that time I realized I was more comfortable with women. she was a butch.
2006 was a disaster year for me. It was the year my x-husband knew about my Lesbian relationships back in Canada, it was also the year I finally told my parents about me because they found out a woman was living in with me. it was that year i lost hundreds of thousands because of my Atty. and it was that year that i had my worst night mare with her. It was not good. My relationship with her did not last that long. I get on with my life and she did too. I had relationships with men... 2 to be exact and it never lasted. I decided to stay away from any relationships.... but it was not successful. I got very attracted to WOMEN.... of any sort. Dykes, Butch or Femmes.... I had been with them non stop. It didn't bother me what people say since my parents knew already of what I've become and they still love me for that.
2007, it wasn't such a bad year. It was the year that I got accepted in my first job in the Philippines, it was where I met knew friends at work, It was the year I met someone really special and it was the year I accepted myself as a Lesbian. And most of all, It was the year my parents, relatives and friends accepted who I am.
Finally 2008!!!! I really don't know what would go wrong this year. Maybe CASH!!!!! like other normal people do.... but I feel happy, comfortable, proud and sincere of who I become.
I realized why would I be ashamed of it? People on drugs are supposed to be the ones to be ashamed, people in denial, hypocrites and God knows who else.
I Love women, I Love my son, I Love the Lord, I Love my friends, I Love my family, I Love my life. this is what I have and this is who I am. All we need to do is know ourselves and accept it. Life is like a book with many chapters in it. Don't be a critic and don't make a grin after you read this.


Alicia Keys says she looked “rough around the edges.” But now that’s all changed. BUTCH LESBIANS ALWAYS LOOK ROUGH!


A lipstick lesbian is a slang term for a stereotypically feminine lesbian who is attracted to other feminine women, rather than a lesbian who is attracted to more masculine women, such as in a "butch and femme"-type relationship. It is also used to describe a homosexual (or bisexual) woman who exhibits feminine gender attributes, such as wearing make-up (thus, lipstick), wearing dresses or skirts, having a love of shopping, and perhaps having other characteristics associated with feminine women. In mainstream American films, lesbians are often portrayed according to the lipstick lesbian stereotype to be both politically safer and more sexually attractive to male viewers. A good example is Showtime's television series The L Word, which presents most of its major lesbian characters in this way. Most lesbians in mainstream pornography are also portrayed in this way.
The term was used in San Francisco at least as far back as the 1980s. In
1982, Priscilla Rhoades, a journalist with the gay newspaper The Sentinel, wrote a feature story on "Lesbians for Lipstick." The term is thought to have emerged in wide usage during the early 1990s. A 1997 episode of the television show Ellen widely publicized the phrase. In the show, Ellen DeGeneres's character, asked by her parents whether a certain woman is a "dipstick lesbian," explains that the term is "lipstick lesbian," and comments that "I would be a chapstick lesbian."
In 1999, columnist
Mark Steyn called actress Anne Heche, who was dating DeGeneres at the time, "the world's most famous lipstick lesbian." [1]
A distinction is sometimes drawn between the phrases "lipstick lesbian" and "chapstick lesbian" and the older phrases butch and femme by suggesting that the former phrases simply refer to appearance, whereas the latter imply mutual attraction of the two types. "Chapstick lesbians" are often considered soft butch.
The term has also been reinterpreted as a derogatory reference to feigned lesbianism — implying that it is as easy as lipstick to add or remove.
An alternate term for "lipstick lesbian" is "
doily dyke."


A soft butch — also known as a chapstick lesbian — is a woman who exhibits some stereotypical butch lesbian traits without fitting the masculine stereotype associated with butch lesbians. These traits may or may not include short hair, clothing that was designed for men, and masculine mannerisms and behaviors. Soft butches generally appear androgynous, rather than adhering to strictly feminine or masculine norms. In the spectrum of gender expression among lesbians, a soft butch lies closer to a butch lesbian than to a lipstick lesbian.
This type of behaviour is also considered socially acceptable of alternate gender roles within the lesbian community. Whereas it is sometimes considered a betrayal of the lesbian community to be "too feminine" or "too masculine", the soft butch is an acceptable in-between state that generally receives greater acceptance.


Many young people today (in the homosexual community) eschew butch or femme classifications, believing that they are inadequate to describe an individual, or that labels are limiting in and of themselves. Some people within the queer community have tailored the common labels to be more descriptive, such as "soft stud," "hard butch," "gym queen," or "tomboy femme." Comedian Elvira Kurt contributed the term "fellagirly" as a description for queer females who are not strictly either femme or butch, but a combination.
Lesbians and
genderqueers who identify as Butch or Femme have experienced a renaissance as the Internet has brought the butch-femme community together. To be either butch or femme challenges traditional gender roles and expectations about appropriate gender presentation and desire, and expands the concept of what it means to be female. Some femme men, femme women, and butch women regard themselves thus as genderqueer for that reason, but many others do not. Moreover, some genderqueer people identify their gender primarily as butch or femme, rather than man or woman.
It is also important to note that those who identify as butch and femme today often use the words to define their presentation and gender identity rather than strictly the role they play in a relationship, and that not all butches are attracted exclusively to femmes and not all femmes are exclusively attracted to butches, although this was traditionally the norm.

FYI on Lesbians

A homosexual woman.
A woman whose sexual orientation is to women.adj.
Of, relating to, or being a lesbian. See Usage Note at gay.
[From the putative homosexuality of Sappho, lyric poet of Lesbos.]
lesbian adjective
Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to members of one's own sex: gay,
A lesbian is a woman who is romantically and sexually attracted only to other women. [1][2] Women who are attracted to both women and men are more often referred to as bisexual. An individual's self-identification might not correspond with her behavior, and may be expressed with either, both, or neither of these words.
Public policy
In Western societies, explicit prohibitions on women's homosexual behavior have been markedly weaker than those on men's homosexual behavior.
In the United Kingdom, lesbianism has never been illegal. In contrast, sexual activity between males was not made legal in England and Wales until 1967. It is said that lesbianism was left out of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885 because Queen Victoria did not believe sex between women was possible, but this story may be apocryphal.[3] A 1921 proposal, put forward by Frederick Macquisten MP to criminalize lesbianism was rejected by the House of Lords; during the debate, Lord Birkenhead, the then Lord Chancellor argued that 999 women out of a thousand had "never even heard a whisper of these practices."[4] In 1928, the lesbian novel The Well of Loneliness was banned for obscenity in a highly publicized trial, not for any explicit sexual content but because it made an argument for acceptance.[5] Meanwhile other, less political novels with lesbian themes continued to circulate freely.[6]
Sexual activity between women is as diverse as sex between heterosexuals or gay men. Some women in same-sex relationships do not identify as lesbian, but as bisexual, queer, or another label. As with any interpersonal activity, sexual expression depends on the context of the relationship.
Media depictions
Lesbians often attract media attention, particularly in relation to feminism, love and sexual relationships, marriage and parenting. Some writers have asserted this trend can lead to exploitive and unjustified plot devices.[7]

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Vibrating Tongue Rings - The Lix

JJK Industries has released a line of oral vibrators for pierced tongues. The Lix novelty vibrating tongue rings were created for the growing population of people with pierced tongues, and everyone’s love for oral pleasures.
“Everyone knows tongue rings enhance oral bliss. So we created the Lix vibrating tongue ring. Lix turns any ordinary pierced tongue into a vibrating, mind-blowing joy ride!” said Amy French, JJK Industries Customer Service Manager. The Lix novelty vibrating tongue rings were created for the growing population of people with pierced tongues, and everyone’s love for oral pleasures. (lixvibrator)


Ever since the L word series came out in television, Shane was and is the favorite "need to watch".

From her clothes, make up, accessories and the catch!

True, she is a heart throb person... my undies would fall if she just asked me for a light for her ziggys.

But anyway, click on the picture to see what make up accessories she uses, maybe you might get hold of some and look like her.... and if you do, let me know!!! ***wink***


Little girl staring at four women while her mother was reading the news paper in the jeepney (public transportation). The lady - shall we call her "A" coughed, sighed and went back fiddling around her mobile phone. Lady "B" coughed too... looked at her watch and stared to the other person in front of her. Lady "C" coughed as well, took her money and paid. While Lady "D" sits and tried to relax waiting to reach her destination.
The little girl can't stopped noticing the kind of clothes their wearing. Almost exactly the same. 2 of the ladies wore trashed jeans and the other 2 wore light textiled shorts. (sort of purontong) Their tops were sort of the same too. 2 wore a little tight shirts and the other 2 wore just a shirt that fits them.
But, while the little girls was on her deep observation, she noticed each of the 4 ladies had different ways of expressing their selves- meaning, they have different way of looking at their watches, the way the sit etc. The little girl also notices that Lady "A" was constantly looking at Lady "C" and vice versa. While Lady "B" was staring at some one in front of her and Lady "D" staring at Lady "B".
Little girl could not understand what was going on.... she mumbles to herself: " If Lady "A" was staring at Lady "C" and vice versa, why is it that Lady "B" was staring at the man in front of her since Lady "D" is staring at her?????????????
Little girl of age 9 carefully observed every little action each 4 made.
Okay, here's the catch, if you were that little girl who saw every little move those 4 ladies made, what would you think? Would you make a conclusion or give benefit of the doubt or won't bother............. if you consider yourself from a 3rd community, you know what it is.
This will be continued.... they still have a long way to go.