Yah, I have few, but they are all with quality.... I used to have so many before *sigh* but then in times when I am down they are all gone!!! What did I do wrong? But I stopped searching for the answer, and these wonderful people *smiles* you see in the pictures found me!!!! they make me laugh, they make me criticise *hehehehe* and they make me realize too. they taught me things that I never knew before, they make me wonder at times and they put my mind in peace. It was hard for me once to have these kinds of friends. I used to shower my old friends*grin* with money just so to keep them, but I then realized it was not the answer. The answer was... these new friends I have... regardless of their belief, color, gender, status or what so ever... I love them. And I am glad *clapping* to have them in my life.

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